It was fun to see who you thought I looked like. I would love to return the favor, but I don't know that many famous people. I had to look up many of the ones on the list.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hey everyone,
Two things.
1. I would like to have your addresses so I can send you Christmas cards
2. I would like to see you all this Christmas season. Lets plan a get together. What do you say?
Posted by Demi at 7:37 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Celebrity Equal List
Here is my completed celebrity equal list of our old friends:
myself - Christopher Lambert (most of you probably know that I am a big Highlander fan)
Alicia - Winona Ryder
Kate - Jodie Foster
Derek - Stephen King
Kyle - Flea (from Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Kyle would totally agree that the two of them are alike in many ways)
Afton - Nicole Kidman
Brenda - Scarlett Johansson
Synthia - Sheryl Crow
Demi - Cate Blanchett
Dennis - John Stockton (this is because both of them were willing to, and frequently did, take one for the team quietly)
Julie - Charlize Theron
Steve - Seth Meyers
Chris Walker - Hugh Jackman
Jenn Anderson - Renée Zellweger
Snipper - Kirsten Dunst
Rob - Daniel Craig
Posted by Rhett at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Who Is Your Celebrity Equal?
Rhett and Derek and I played this game a couple years ago via was pretty darn fun. I thought I would start it on our little friend blog...There are no rules to this game, except please, be nice (this means no-one can say my celebrity equal is Delta Burke! No one wants to think that they look like the fat Designing Woman!)
All you do is post who you think is one of the gang's celebrity look alike.
I'll start.
Derek: Hugh Grant
Rhett: Sting
Synthia: Melina Karakaklalalalkalas....That girl on Providence
Brenda: Darryl Hannah
Now it's your turn...come on guys. Chime in.
It's fun.
Really, humor me...I have no life. I am tethered to an IV pole and have been for 13 weeks!
Love and light to you all,
Posted by Kate at 5:20 PM 9 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
What's his name???
Just had a thought, what was the name of that guy who came down from BYU to help the drumline out in practices? He was sort of lurpish...I can't remember his name for the life of ME! Remember, he was the one who dropped some heavy object on Robbie's head while in band practice? Rob had to go and get a ton of stitches and, I believe, the guy never even said he was sorry for the incident.
Posted by Brenda Lee at 10:32 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Memory from September 16, 1990
I figured that I would write about another memory I have. There haven't been as many postings here recently. It seems August was one of the more active months on this blog with a lot of memories, etc. being added to it. I imagine everybody has probably been pretty busy lately with their kids and getting them back in the school routine and what not.
The memory I want to add happened on this very night back in 1990. It was Sunday, September 16th. The night before I had gone to the "Homecoming From Hell" dance. (That is a whole other story that some of you have probably heard me tell over the years.) Anyway, that Sunday evening there was a fireside of sorts over at the Marriott Center. I remember that me and Kyle drove over to it in the old '79 green 'vette I had back then. When we got there we found some of the girls from our group of old friends. We probably had talked to them earlier that day about meeting up with them there. I mainly remember that it was Kate and Jenn, Synthia, Demi, and Julie that were there that night, but maybe there were others also. We all watched the fireside together and then we talked a while there. Afterward we split up to go home. Kyle must have rode home with Kate and Jenn, because I remember that Julie, Synthia, and Demi all rode home with me.
The group in my car all went over to a park that is a bit east of BYU. It was a pleasant and warm late summer/early fall evening, and it felt good to just be out enjoying the night. We hung out at the park for a while and talked and just had a good time. I recall that the girls were playing on the swings and running around the park (probably barefoot) in their Sunday dresses. When we got in my car to leave Julie and Synthia decided to swap dresses for some reason that I don't really know to this day. I must admit that I was a little taken back by the whole thing, but they just took their dresses off and traded right there in the backseat of my car. (If you are wondering, no I didn't watch. I turned my head away while they were changing.)
Anyway, once everybody was alright with what they were wearing we started for home. Like a lot of those nights back then we didn't exactly go right home immediately. I recall that for some reason we even stopped at Smith's in Payson to buy drinks or something. After that I must have started the long loop around of dropping everybody off home by way of West Mountain, Santaquin, and then back to Payson again. It seems that it was fairly late (for a school night anyway) before I finally made it back to my own house. Like many of the nights back then I was probably going to be a bit tired the next day, but it was definitely worth it because I remember it as being a memorable night from a very significant time in my life.
Posted by Rhett at 10:13 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Salamander hunting with Derek...
Trevor and his friends found a little pond out in the orchard near our home. It has become a favorite place for the kids to hang out, explore, and try their luck at capturing salamanders.
Lauren, Trev and his friend Josh.
Derek, the salamander lover, came with us to try his luck at finding a new pet. Immediately after I took this picture, Derek slipped and fell into the water! SOOOO FUNNY!!!
"Hey...I'm already wet...might as well make the most of it!"
Now...that's something you don't see every day! Nice mud butt you got there! My kids teased him unmercifully for the rest of the evening. Lauren, my fearless 8th grader, was the only one who caught a salamander that night. She gave it to Derek for his trouble.
As always, thanks for the laughs, Derek!
Posted by Brenda Lee at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Boingo concert 1990
Reading Brenda's recount of 1990's 50/20 sparked a memory with me that I thought I would write about. I think this was probably the very next weekend. Oingo Boingo was coming to play an outdoor concert in Park City on May 26, 1990. It was going to be a couple days after school got out for the summer. A few of us guys decided we wanted to go, including Chris Walker. He would have just graduated.
When the evening came Chris drove us all there in their family's van, and I always thought it was cool that he offered to do that. It was me, Chris, Kyle, and our other friends Jim and Brian that went. We drove up to the concert in Park City, and I remember it being a cool and clear early summer night with the fresh mountain air. I had only been to smaller venue concerts until that night. It ended up being a bit of an eye opener. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were one of the opening bands. While they were playing I remember every so often you would see girls fly clear up in the air above the crowd because people would hold a blanket tight and use it as a sort of trampoline to throw somebody and then catch them. (I also remember a couple going at it under a blanket right there on the hill. I guess you see it all at concerts.) That night there was also some dumb-ass standing by us on the hill that was mouthing off, but I knew that with Kyle and Chris there we were well backed up by good friends if he had tried to start anything.
Anyway, Boingo started playing with the sounds of the horns on Dead Man's Party right as it was starting to get dark. They ended up playing for around three hours that night, and it was an incredible concert with the combination of the music and the mountain air setting. That night really added to me becoming such a fan of Oingo Boingo. After the concert we drove down to Salt Lake to get something to eat, and then KJQ played Boingo music on the radio the rest of the drive home.
I know that this whole experience probably don't sound too life changing, but to me it was such a great night that it was a highlight for me in that time of my life. We were young and felt truly alive and free, and we were all at our best back then.
Posted by Rhett at 9:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
A "Keyan" memory...Labor Day, 1989
At our most recent gatherings, I have appreciated Dennis, Derek, and Rhett's fond memories of Keyan Riley - "The man whose flatus smells like roses..."
(yes...I said it!)
This memory goes back to 1989. After we marched the Payson Onion Day's parade, apparently, it was Keyan's birthday or close to it. The girls had planned a picnic lunch/hike up to the Grotto with Keyan, to celebrate his bday. I say girls, but I only remember Afton and Marianne - I am sure Synthia was there, Kate? Anyway, back then, the trail was horrible and very steep in some places. We lugged this big ol' heavy cooler up the trail. My memory is a little fuzzy here, but I think Keyan actually rode on TOP of the cooler as we carried it, with Marianne leading the way, throwing rose petals onto the ground (heheh...sorry - in the spirit of fun, I threw that in for my boys - Rhett, Dennis, and Derek - Cheers!). So yes, a crazy hike to the Grotto. Once there, I believe it was quite flooded, unexpectedly. We ate; it was quaint. I think Marianne got hurt somehow? Somebody did. Anyhow, they have since made the trail leading up to the Grotto an easy one, traversing the stream with log planks and such. To this day, when I hike up to the Grotto, I am reminded of this memory.
Posted by Brenda Lee at 2:10 PM 3 comments
A 50/20 memory...1989-90?
I have many memories, but reading Synth's post sparked a memory of her that I want to share:
In 9th grade, I walked the 50/20 (the only year I ever FINISHED!). I don't remember who I started walking with; they eventually quit and I ended up tagging along with Jill Kent and Cami Burton. By about Goshen, Chris Walker caught up to me and, of course, wouldn't hear of me quitting. Throughout the night, Synth and her brothers drove by, bringing me new shoes, giving us water, etc. Around the point of the mountain that early morning, Julie walked briefly with me past the fields with the new baby lambs. By the time we reached Synth's house, Synth had cooked us a big breakfast of eggs and bacon, probably pancakes. I was so dehydrated, the smell was nauseating. I remember Chris digging into a huge plate of food and I couldn't figure out how he could stomach it? I continued to walk. Synth appeared...I was so sick and in physical pain...she carried me, literally cradled me in her arms. I used that memory in a talk I had in sacrement many years good friends will lift and carry you through your darkest hours, giving you the strength to keep going. I bawled and bawled as I recalled that moment...the symbolism was incredibly powerful.
Posted by Brenda Lee at 10:10 AM 3 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
I think I am posting this on the right site. I guess I will see when I post it. I love reading what you all wrote. As for memories, I can't believe you all remember the details so well. I have never been very detail oriented. I am still working on that.
Posted by The Meredith's at 5:08 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Hike up Timp
Here are some photo's from our famous hike up the backside of Timp. Whose idea was that anyway? I think we went on this hike about a week or so before Dennis left on his mission. We got up early (like, 5am) and drove up Provo canyon to... (searching my memory) Aspen Grove? I remember being pretty excited about the hike. Probably because I didn't know what we were in for.
All smiles starting out.
Demi, Synthia, Kate, Derek, and Dennis. (Afton taking the picture)
Not too far up the trail was this beautiful waterfall. This was when we were still smiling and laughing - hiking is so much fun!!!
Kate, didn't you slip and fall here and pass out or something? Isn't that why you look so spacey in this photo?
Did anyone know how HUGE of a hike this really would be? I remember looking back down the trail that we had come up - all the switch backs - then looking up to where we still had to go and thinking we'd never make it. And then those two ranger chicks that just clicked on past us like we were standing still. AMAZON WOMEN. I wanted to be like them...
We finally made it up to ... (ugh, my memory sucks!) Emerald Lake?? Crystal Lake?? Anyway, the place where we stopped. Finally. And drank the last of our water and went to the bathroom (yes behind a bush) and contemplated just how much more we wanted to endure.
At the top. Sort of.
So we called it good at this spot. Congratulated ourselves and began our descent. I can't quite recall now when I started hatin it. All I remember is that I was wearing hiking boots that I THOUGHT would be perfect for the trip. But they turned out to be like LEAD weights that had RAZOR BLADES sewn into the heels and toes. Every. Step. Was. AGONIZING. You would think that coming back down would be a cinch. An easy task compared to what we had just put ourselves through. No sirree. This was almost worse. Almost.
-This is the part in the story where I weave in some really good thoughts about perspective and what going on this hike meant symbolically on the road of life... But this post has taken too long already, I'm typing with one hand while I hold my sleeping baby, and I really gotta go to the bathroom so here's all the wisdom I can come up with-
Downhill ain't all it's cracked up to be.
Posted by Afton at 6:22 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
favorite memories for real....
I guessed I messed that one up...anyhow. My favorite memories, wow so many...for us girls...I remember driving in Afton and Brenda's care we name "peanut brittle" we had so many laughs! We used to drive by the guys we currently had a crush on and laugh and try to hide if anyone saw that care wasn't totally visible and original.
I remember spending the night at the band's fundraising booth at the park and watching a horrible recording of The the way...I watched that a couple of weeks ago and bawled my eyes IS a sad movie but I cried for the youth I was when I first saw it...
I will always remember all of the times we spent at Camelot...what a cool place. And senior cool was that.
I will always remember my jr. prom when Kyle took me and Rhett took Julie...I remember what gentlemen they both were and how fun it was to dance with Kyle and Rhett..
I have tons of more memories...really I could write a novel, but it will have to wait...
I am hoping to see everyone this weekend for Dennis' welcomehome dinner.
Love and light to you call, dear friends.
Posted by Kate at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Some Favorite Memories
Since I read Afton's post about her favorite memory from the old days I have been thinking quite a bit about my own. It is a little hard for me to settle in on just one, so I will list a few that came to mind.
Some of my very favorites come from the band days around my Senior year in 1990. Specifically, I highly regard the band parties that we had during band camp that summer at the park and also at the West Mountain church. Shortly after that I remember the Labor Day weekend of that year as one of my all time favorites. I recall that some of us went up to watch the fireworks on that Friday night, and then afterward we walked out to Red Bridge in the dark. The next night me, Kyle, Rob, and Steve Lindsey camped over in the park at the band's food-stand and watched videos until very late. That whole weekend was very memorable. On October 29th of that year a bunch of us went up the canyon and hiked up to the Grotto. I believe we were out of school that day for some reason, but I always remember that as being a memorable time. Of course shortly after that came the California band trip that seemed to cap off everything from that fall. Anybody that went on that trip can remember all the great stuff that took place then.
Well, now I will leave the band centered memories because I know that not everybody from our group was included in them. There were a lot of great memories from us all hanging out in 1991, but I will try to list a couple of the stand-outs for me. I really thought that our Senior Ball was a good time. We kept it simple by just eating at the Spring Lake Church with our parents doing the cooking, but I think that also made it a very personal occasion for our group. A few months later was when many of you went on the trip to see Steve Lee's graduation. I didn't go because of work, but I have regretted that over the years when hearing what a great trip everybody had. I think another good time was when we had the surprise birthday party for Derek that year out at Camelot Forest. That was another very personal occasion for our group when we were all very close and at our best back then. We pulled off the surprise well and made it a great night for Derek and everybody else there. (I seem to recall somebody or two even wetting themselves there, but you tell me.) Another big highpoint for me was that October when quite a few of us went to see Oingo Boingo play at the Delta Center. It was also the first ever concert played by anybody at the Delta Center. That was another occasion when those of us there were very tight as a group of friends and just had a hell of a fun time together.
Rob was the first one to leave on a mission in December of '91, but during 1992 we still tried to make great memories with whoever of us was still here. I remember a bunch of us all piling into Dennis's truck one Sunday afternoon that spring and driving up Payson Canyon. (There are some good memories with that old red truck.) On Friday the 13th of March several of our old friend and acquaintances were camping up at the mouth of Santaquin Canyon. That was when Derek, Dennis, Kyle, and myself all sneaked up to their camp with Derek disguised as a mummy. We hung out for a while around the campfire and that was a memorable night. About a month later a bunch of us went up to Trumbolt in Santaquin Canyon and had another bonfire. I remember that night that we just hung around and talked and really had a great night. Then in July shortly before Kyle left on his mission we all had a get-together at my parents' house. We had a cook-out in the backyard, and then later those left went ice blocking on the Peteetneet hill. What an incredible night that was. Shortly before Dennis left on his mission I remember that a bunch of you went to hike Mt. Timpanogos. Again I didn't go because of work, but I wish I had went from all of the stories I have heard from those that did go. It sounds like it wasn't a time when everything went smoothly, but it was a time when everybody there was very tight and looked out for each other as friends.
Those are just some of my favorite memories with you all. I still really enjoy when we get together these days. In recent times there have still been favorite memories being made of getting together with our old friends. A couple stand-outs were that time in June of 2004 when we had a get-together at the trout farm because Synthia was moving to Boston. That was just a great time for everybody there, and I thought it was cool to see the fireflies in Utah that night. In December of 2005 we had a get-together at a church and then we went over to the Furniss house to visit some more. That night came shortly after a difficult trial in my life, and I really was strengthened by associating with my old friends at that time.
Sorry for the novel I wrote for you all. Hopefully it won't take too long for you to read all this. These are not all of my favorite memories with our group of old friends, but they definitely are some of the highpoints for me. I look forward to reading some of yours. Another interesting idea may be for people to write about some of their biggest regrets or "what ifs" if they feel so inclined. I talked about a couple of mine as being times that I wish I would have been there with everybody when I wasn't. I would be interested to see what other people have thought about our old times together over the years since then.
Posted by Rhett at 10:22 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What's your favorite memory from the Good Old Day's?
I would like to say that I still read this, but uh, no one EVER posts anything here. So, what can we do to fix that people? So far we've got blogs posts or links to me, Derek, Brenda (finally - you are hooked aren't ya?) and Kate was there for awhile (are you coming back to us?). Where's everyone else?? Don't you know we are all just sitting by our computers WAITING to hear from you?!
What if I gave you an assignment? How about everyone that visits here leaves a favorite memory from the good old days??
I'll start.
Road trip to Cedar City to see Steve Lee's graduation.
I remember cramming into Robbie's bronco, Dennis, you drove too didn't you? Didn't Steve Strong drive his little Toyota truck? I have a memory of following him - his truck tires were screwy or something because it was leaning to one side.
I remember going to eat at Wendy's or something and I sat with Derek and we had an interesting, philosophical discussion. Then there was the dance we all went to. It must have been hot, because I remember being super stinky and sweaty. I didn't pack a change of clothes and that was bad. We crashed at someones sisters house that first night. Was it Kyle Egget's sister?? Not much sleep that night, but it was fun. We were supposed to go home the next day but we didn't. We all called from some pay phone to beg our parents to let us stay another day - the girls did anyway. You boys had no restrictions I guess.
Anyway we hung out at the Lee's - consuming pack after pack of bubblicious bubble gum. Remember double, triple bubbles and bubble kisses? We played spoons and a few other games. Carol Lee made sure that the boys and girls were separated when it was time for bed (dang!). On the ride home Robbie stopped to help a guy who was broken down on the side of the road. We took him all the way to Nephi and then back again to his car. Jeff Kretchmer was with us and I think he figured out what was wrong with the guys car and fixed it.
I know my details are sketchy - sorry! But that was one of the funnest times ever!!
Posted by Afton at 11:32 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thanks, Afton! The new template is soooo much better!
Hello to everybody!
Is there anybody reading this blog anymore?
Posted by Brenda Lee at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Just dropping by to say hello....hope all is well for all.
I am recovering from pneumonia, again!
But as soon as I am well, I would really like everyone to come down to my house for a bonfire and dinner...
I heard that Kyle is planning to move, I hope we can all get together before he leaves..
Posted by Kate at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
I think today is National Speak Out For Women Day....
Let's face it, one of three women will be sexually abused in her lifetime. They are our friends, our sisters, our aunts, our mothers, our neighbors, ourselves...It does not have to be our daughters.
We CAN make a difference. We can heal, we can find peace.
Love and light to you
Posted by Kate at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I just wanted to send along this link to an article about ME in the Deseret News....I guess I am an oddity...leaving the big city for the farm and all....,5143,695259128,00.html
Posted by Kate at 2:36 PM 2 comments
Future Get-togethers?
Hey, folks, Doctor Palmer here (it's sort of an honorary title).
Rhett and I got together tonight to have dinner and shoot the . . . talk. It was nice, and you know how it is with Rhett, before long it was midnight and he was going to be really tired tomorrow morning. We talked about life and regrets and the changes that come with years and a lot of good (and bad) memories we've made along the way.
In the end, he suggested we get together when the weather sucks a little less, and go up Payson (or Santaquin) Canyon and build a big bonfire and "dance around it like wild Injuns." Actually, he said, "hang out and look at the stars and talk about old times," but the "wild injuns" line was in a movie and I sometimes can't help myself.
I told him I'd mention it to Brenda and see if she would spread the word, but when I got home, I saw this blog invitation and thought I'd post it here. I really enjoy going up to the canyon the many times we did it over the years, and would dig it if we could do it again. At the very least, I'd probably get another scary story out of it.
What say you?
DLP'08 (sorry about the name; apparently the internet thinks my name is Outfield)
Posted by Rish Outfield at 12:15 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
OMGosh - I'm a blogger
The Lee Family
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
OMGosh - I'm a blogger
Okay folks, here is the big test: Let's see if I can get this blog thing to actually work. I have to admit, I am terrified as I am not so savvy when it comes to this sort of thing.
So my sister, Afton, and my bro-in-law's wife, Kaisa, are huge bloggers. I have been in complete awe of their posts and never thought I could attempt such a feat, so I am just going to jump in head first...Here is a little bit about me: I am 32, very soon to be 33. I am married to Chris and we are celebrating our 12th anniversary at the end of this month! We have 4 children - Lauren is 13, Trevor is 10, Brandon is 7, and our caboose, Madison, is 6. We live in Santaquin, just down the road from where Chris and Steve originally grew up. Chris works at Neways as the production manager and I work at home for IHC. As soon as it is warm enough, we head to the mountains for hiking, mountain biking, BBQ'ing, and Chris' all time favorite - hunting. We recently made the purchase of a very old camper, so I am very excited to break that baby in and get her up in the mountains!
My favorite sport is volleyball. I have been fortunate enough to play with close family and friends on the women's league in Payson for the past 9 or 10 years (I forget now...seems so long though!) Our original team consisted of: Vona Judd, Jennifer VanAusdal, Afton Lovell, Lori Lee, Merilee Judd, and me. Opps, Synthia played too! Anyway - good times and good friends. The wives really bonded and I felt like it was a crucial part of our circle of friends staying close together. I finally took a break from volleyball 2 years ago after having knee surgery, but when Vona called me again this fall to see if I would play, I jumped at the opportunity.
Hey, let's face it: We are all getting older...why not do what truly brings you happiness and live life to the fullest? Let's live our lives as though looking through a child's eyes...viewing the world at a different angle, being adventurous and silly, laughing, learning, no regrets. I want to surround myself with you, my friends, and my family...the people who truly bring me happiness.
Love to you all...Brenda
Posted by The Lee Family at 10:05 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Brenda Lee at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Posted by Kate at 10:31 AM 3 comments
An Invitation
I have been thinking a lot about how life can change so quickly... We have all been living our lives, having children, changing jobs, moving here or there - and yet not realizing that we've lost touch with some of the dearest people in our lives. I thought that this might be a way we could change that. So I invite each of you to use this blog as a way to share what's going on in your lives so that we can all stay close. If you already have a family blog set up please attach the link to this page, but feel free to contribute to this blog as well. If you have a question about creating a post, uploading photos or anything else - let me know! love, Afton
PS Don't be alarmed if the look of the blog changes over time - I am still working on it!
Posted by Afton at 7:56 AM 4 comments