I have always enjoyed Payson's Onion Days over Labor Day weekend, but continuing in my commemoration of 20 years ago I wanted to record some memories from that year's celebration because it was probably my favorite. (I hope people don't get tired of just reading all of my memories and play-by-plays, but it seems like I am the lone person still using this blog so I am probably fine to just do what I need to with it.)
To start out I remember after school on Friday, August 31, 1990 that me and Kyle went down to somebody's house on the west side of Payson to skateboard because they had built a quarter pipe in their yard. We skateboarded for a while that afternoon, and then closer to evening I remember some of us making our way up to the carnival at the park to go on some rides. I recall Dennis and Kyle being there, but I am not quite sure who else was there at that point. I think that was the first year I remember them having the Gravitron there, or whatever it is called. That is the one that looks like a giant top, and when it starts spinning you get plastered back against the wall. I remember us riding on it that night and starting to get dizzy and a little sick. After it got dark we went up by the high school to watch the fireworks, and I think we met up with everybody else there. After the fireworks it seems that we may have went back down to the carnival and rode on a couple more rides.
We then decided to venture out to Red Bridge that night. I believe that is the first night that a lot of our group of old friends walked out there together. I don't exactly remember everybody that went, but I do recall possibly Dennis, Kyle, Kate, Synthia, Julie, and myself going out there. It was a fun memory of us taking people out there, some of them for their first time. After that I remember us making our customary loop around to drop everybody off which eventually went out to Santaquin.
The next day I remember Kyle and myself going skateboarding again out at the same house as the day before, and then we had to head up to the park because the band was running a food booth that year as a fundraiser. It was my scheduled time to go put in some hours there. Shortly after we got there they mentioned that they needed some guys to volunteer to spend the night there to keep an eye on the booth. If we volunteered to do it then we wouldn't have to put any time in there that afternoon, so it sounded better to me. My and Kyle then drove out to the trout farm and asked Rob if he was interested in camping out that night at the park too, and he agreed to do it.
Later that night we went back down to the park and met up with people at the band's food stand. I recall that Kate and Julie were there, and I think that Kyle rode on the Merry-go-round with them because it was right by the band's booth. I just remember us all just talking and having a good time, and it is an incredible memory where I can recall even some of the littlest details because it was such a great night. After the carnival shut down we watched some videos in the band's food booth because we had brought a video player. The one's that had planned to sleep over that night were myself, Kyle, Rob, and Steve Lindsey. I think Dennis had gone camping with his family up at there property in Fairview Canyon that night or I am sure he would have been there too. Kate and Julie, and possibly Jenn, stuck around and watched Highlander with us. It seems like it was Julie's recording from TV. I remember it being a lousy recording and a lot of the important parts had been cut out, but we still enjoyed watching it. All of us doing that that night made for truly a classic memory.
1 day ago