I guessed I messed that one up...anyhow. My favorite memories, wow so many...for us girls...I remember driving in Afton and Brenda's care we name "peanut brittle" we had so many laughs! We used to drive by the guys we currently had a crush on and laugh and try to hide if anyone saw us...like that care wasn't totally visible and original.
I remember spending the night at the band's fundraising booth at the park and watching a horrible recording of The Highlander...by the way...I watched that a couple of weeks ago and bawled my eyes out...it IS a sad movie but I cried for the youth I was when I first saw it...
I will always remember all of the times we spent at Camelot...what a cool place. And senior ball...how cool was that.
I will always remember my jr. prom when Kyle took me and Rhett took Julie...I remember what gentlemen they both were and how fun it was to dance with Kyle and Rhett..
I have tons of more memories...really I could write a novel, but it will have to wait...
I am hoping to see everyone this weekend for Dennis' welcomehome dinner.
Love and light to you call, dear friends.
2 days ago
That Junior Prom in '92 was a memorable night. I remember it was during that best part of Spring when all of the trees are budding out. We went to the Canyon View Park by the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon and had dinner sitting on the floor of the gazebo by the pond. Dennis acted as our waiter, and he had our food hid around behind the bushes. (How cool was it that he did that for us.) I recall we even had music playing, and we just enjoyed such a peaceful and calm spring evening there.
I will also agree with you about how great that night at the park was when we watched the band's food-stand for Onion Days. That whole weekend was awesome. That Labor Day weekend in '90 was such a stand-out that every year at this time my thoughts return to it.
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