Trevor and his friends found a little pond out in the orchard near our home. It has become a favorite place for the kids to hang out, explore, and try their luck at capturing salamanders.
Lauren, Trev and his friend Josh.
Derek, the salamander lover, came with us to try his luck at finding a new pet. Immediately after I took this picture, Derek slipped and fell into the water! SOOOO FUNNY!!!
"Hey...I'm already wet...might as well make the most of it!"
Now...that's something you don't see every day! Nice mud butt you got there! My kids teased him unmercifully for the rest of the evening. Lauren, my fearless 8th grader, was the only one who caught a salamander that night. She gave it to Derek for his trouble.
As always, thanks for the laughs, Derek!
2 days ago
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